Scientific studies fall under three main subject areas, which are: Technology and Design, Human Health care, and the so called “Classic Sciences”. The main departments of the Technology and Design area are Engineering and IT(information technology); we can find Medicine, Biology and Pharmacy in the second area, while in the third there are Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics and so on. These disciplines share the same approach, expanding knowledge through rigorous research, methodic and strict procedures, aimed to describe objectively the laws governing natural phenomena.

Technology and Design Area

The disciplines in this area consist of a large range of different studies which vary from Energy to Mechanics, through the Environment and Territory ending with Chemistry. The main university courses of the TP Area, which are converged in a collaborative design and the creation of Open Source projects, are Computer Science, Information Engineering, Electronic Engineering, Automation engineering, Engineering of Energy and Mechanics. All these courses share a common goal: training a skilled figure who is able to collaborate on a project with a team. For example, the project could be about the use of nuclear energy, reactors, fuel, or the creation of commonly used software for a nuclear power plant.

Human Health Care

These faculties are centred to determine scientifically all the approaches, the behaviour, the material, the human body with the goal to ameliorate the human well-being. The open-source project decides the opportunity to develop new ideas in a collaborative way. Furthermore, thanks to multidisciplinarity (questa parola ha senso e allo stesso tempo difficile da afferrarne il concetto persino in italiano nel contesto d’insieme), this approach allows to develop new innovative technologies to the resolution of problems. This happens in different ways according to the complexity of the problem and ensure the best efficiency and efficacy.

Classic Sciences

CS are sciences which include physics, chemistry or mathematics. Their scientific approach is based on the theoretic study of a phenomenon in order to understand and explain it.

Factors which are common the Collaborative planning (open source)

Technology and Planning Area

This is the first area that have implemented the concepts of open-source, free planning. The computer scientists have the possibility ti collaborate and develop the code of several programming languages on active projects. Furthermore they can promote the projects in order to empower the cultural level and realize easily a Portfolio. The same could be said for the rest of the TP Area.contributing and promoting the open-source projects allows to enrich the portfolio of the single computer scientist and consequently to participate to active projects, growing up their cultural level and their experiences. An example of community or developed products with an open-source approach are certainly Raspberry Pi (engineering area) and WordPress (Computer Area).

Food for thought

  • OpenSource program development
  • OpenSource hardware development
  • Open and Free project development

Human Health Care

Realising collaborative projects allows to introduce new way of experimentation and increase theories developing specific communities which collaborate with each other freely. In addition, the specific and the multidisciplinar feature of this planning way permits to enrich the single and the common skills in order to find easily solutions. For example: Coming Up Short Handed

Food for thought

  • Healthcare innovative solution development open oriented
  • New thesis and theory development
  • Multidisciplinary and innovating project development

Classic sciences

The realisation of experimentations and theory can be done in a better and easier way and create a community which will follow collaboratively the scientific path in order to demonstrate the effectiveness of those one more strongly through scientific data. The multidisciplinar-planning affords to increase the singular and collective skills which can be helpful in the use of innovative technique in order to facilitate the demonstration of past and new theories. An example are all the distributed calculation or grid computing.

Food for thought

  • Theorem development with open communities
  • Test new theorem in a free and shared mode
  • Development of new theorem and tests with multidisciplinary communities
  • Create new Project of distributed calculation or grid computing

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