The teaching program of the humanities studies department is extensive and articulated; the humanities study primarily man and the human condition using the analytical and critical type of instruments. These instruments are different from empiricism, typical of science. For this the scope of humanities studies are the humanities such as languages and classical literature and, more generally, literature, philosophy, history ( divided into historical and geographical context, historical and artistic historical and literary) and then law, arts, archaeology, anthropology. Next to these classical disciplines there are modern, connected to the rapid evolution of media.

The humanities are divided into classical and scientific:

  • Classical consist of literature, languages, philosophy and cultural heritage;
  • Scientific consist of communication sciences, psychological sciences and techniques, educational and formation sciences.

Classical Studies

The courses of literature aim to provide a basic historical and geographical, linguistic and literary knowledge, and to develop abilities connected to the reading of texts and documents in their original language, master the italian in oral and written form. The course of studies in Languages provides the formation of a professional figure able to decline the communication in different forms and ways through the theoretical and practical study of Italian and foreign languages. The course in Philosophy gives knowledge of the history of philosophy, morality, politics, logic, aesthetics, etc.. A graduate in Cultural Heritage has historical,artistic,archaeological and archival skills and has acquired skills in the ideation of cultural events, organization and promotion of shows and possesses all the methodological and critical tools for reading the expressive languages.

Scientific Studies

A course in Communication Sciences has the objective to develop a methodological preparation, technique and theory on communication problems, developing skills and abilities in the acquisition, treatment and organization of databases, linked to the different sensory modalities and to realise communication campaigns using all levels of human interpretation. The course in Psychological Sciences and Techniques has the purpose to provide a deep systematic knowledge,up to date with the different sectors concerning the knowledge of psychological, biopsychological, cognitive, emotional and social processes, moreover, offer the psychological and scientific methods and processes concerning the Human behaviour. The Educational Science course focuses on acquiring a solid cultural preparation who helps the students to have theoretical and methodical skills. These last skills are necessary for the teaching activities that work in the formative system.

Factors which are common the Collaborative planning (open source)

Classical Studies

A Classic Humanist could have some interest in the OpenSource and in the Open Project, the linguist could be interested in a experience in the localization and translation in tecnics or in different contests. The philosopher (or the Psychologist) could be interested to publish theories with an community help. Moreover, could be interested to internalize these theories and cooperate with communicator and linguist. A student of letters could be interested to make and revise texts and articles in different areas how scientific and technical. For the Cultural Heritage students could be interested to develop innovative guide for museums e could make with engineer and computer scientist.

Food for thought

  • Improve the skills in localization en translation in multidisciplinary projects
  • Improve the text and articles inspect
  • New theorem and theories development with a community support
  • Multidisciplinary project development
  • Innovative Arts project development

Scientific Studies

A humanist oriented-sciences can have different interests in open source and in collaborative planning. Who studies communication sciences, could be interested in a preparation experience of information and communication campaigns about the promotion of the same community objectives, or, offer support to the technical and practical aspects of community. Psychology students can be interested in the development of theorems and theories and to discuss freely with other people that support their hypothesis, also, could collaborate in multidisciplinary project, using practical methodologies related to psychometrics and mass surveys. An educational sciences student could be interested to practical implementation of theoretical concepts developed during the course of study, both applying and producing new training activities in collaboration with other professionals or students from other university courses, and creating new and innovative teaching instruments.

Food for thought

  • Creation of information and communication campaigns
  • Improve their communication skills support
  • Development of new psychological theories
  • Application of psychological investigation theories
  • Implementation of educational activities
  • Collaborate in the creation of innovative instruments for teaching
  • Improve their skills by applying the theories of education

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